R. S. Johnson Fine Art
A Selection of Old Master Prints & Drawings

A Selection of Old Master Prints & Drawings
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Rembrandt Van Rijn, Giulio Clovio, Paolo Farinati, Albrecht Dürer, Jacob Bos, Giuseppe Scolari, Giorgio Ghisi, Giovanni Battista Piranesi, Jean Honore Fragonard, Francisco Goya
This is R.S. Johnson's 177th publication since its founding in 1955. These catalogues serve as documents of the nearly 20,000 rare, historically significant and beautiful works acquired by the gallery over its 65 year history, as represented in the selection presented here.
Image: Rembrandt Van Rijn, The Flight Into Egypt, 1654, Etching and drypoint

Rembrandt Harmensz van Rijn
Leiden 1606 - 1669 Amsterdam
Rembrandt Harmensz. van Rijn, is one of the most important artists in European history and more specifically of Holland’s “Golden Age”. He gained an international reputation for his spectacular etchings and printmaking techniques in the seventeenth century. His innovations transformed a relatively new medium and pushed etching to new expressive limits. His technique was so amazing that some believed he had discovered a secret process.
Giulio Clovio
(Grizane, Croatia 1498 - 1578 Rome)
Giulio Clovio was born in the Kingdom of Croatia but accomplished most of his work in Italy during the Renaissance. Known for his illuminated manuscripts, Clovio is arguably the greatest illuminator of the Italian High Renaissance and his detailed expertise shines through his drawings as well.
Paolo Farinati
(Verona 1524-1606 Verona)
Farinati, a student of Niccolo Giolfino and A. Badile, also had studied the works of Parmigianino, Tiziano, Giorgione and particularly Giulio Romano.
Albrecht Dürer
Nürnberg 1471 – 1528 Nürnberg
Albrecht Dürer a brilliant Northern Master, revolutionized printmaking in the sixteenth century and elevated what was, at one time, simple folk art, to a new and independent art form. His innovations in the medium of the woodcut, by expanding the dramatic range and including conceptual imagery and themes, have influenced every generation of printmakers since.
Jacob Bos
(c. 1520 ’s–Hertogenbosch)
Bos was born circa 1549 in ‘s-Hertogenbosch in the southern Netherlands. In French, the city’s name is “Bois-le-Duc”. Bos lived in Rome for a number of years and his works, such as this one, were influenced by Marcantonio Raimondi (near Bologna 1480 – died between 1527 and 1534).
Giusseppe Scolari
Venetian, active c. 1550-1607
Giusseppe Scolari is an Italian artist who designed his own woodblocks, a trait that was more uncommon at the time. He invented his own method of carving wood blocks using a graverlike tool to carve fine white lines against a black background. He also avoided cross-hatching in order to achieve a more expressive fluidity in his dramatic prints.
Giorgio Ghisi
Mantovano 1520 - 1582 Mantua
Giorgio Ghisi was an Italian engraver from Mantua who also created art in Antwerp and France. His training is thought to have occurred under Giovanni Battista Scultori. His earlier works were after Giulio Romano and Raphael. Ghisi is mostly a reproductive engraver meaning he bases his works on previously made paintings but he often adds detail and his own expertise to the background landscapes.
Giovanni Battista Piranesi
Mogliano 1720 – 1778 Rome
Giovanni Battista Piranesi is an Italian artist who also studied architecture. He is known for his etchings of Rome and a series of fictitious, surreal prisons. His prints were windows into the ancient world and its demise, leading to increased interest in archeology. He was elected to the London Society of Antiquaries and his work was used in multiple antiquary publications.
Francisco Goya y Lucientes
Fuendetodos 1746 - 1828 Bordeaux
Francisco de Goya opened the door to new aspects of “Modern Art”. Through his printmaking, he disseminated Old Master’s work, by updating many classic works, and turned the medium into an expression of truly modern ideas. In his series of 80 etchings, Los Caprichos (1799), he explored the darkest corners of man’s character through allegory and social commentary.
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